the Planet

Globin is a planet in the same solar system as Arod and Wuud. It is an extremely large living organism in the shape of a red blood cell.

It is unknown where Globin came from, if there are others of its kind, or how it is alive. It is sentient, but in the way that bacteria is sentient; Globin is (presumably) not capable of holding conversations or moving on its own.

The internals of Globin are similar to the internals of any living mammal or reptilian, but organized for a circular organism. From what little research has been done successfully, Globin lacks anything resembling a digestive or skeletal system. Routes throughout it exist for other species to dock their ships and use, but wandering off these routes can be deadly.


Globinites are fleshy aliens with varying size and an unknown population; touching them feels similar to handling raw meat. They come in either red, pink, or white.

They are extremely protective of their planet, and have a mutualistic relationship with it: Globinites act as Globin's immune system and give it nutrients, and in return they get a place to live. Globinites who choose to leave Globin can still thrive, of course, but they need to keep themselves wet so they do not shrivel up.

Globinites are omnivorous; anything they can't eat typically ends up either harvested for materials or freely given to those who visit Globin.