Cynthia the Everchanging is the goddess of change, the seas, and the Moon. She has dark blue hair that she wears as pigtails, and wears monochrome clothing.

She appears to be emotionless for the most part, but she simply does not open up easily.

Eden (also known as After-the-End) is the goddess of cycles, life, and sleep. She has messy pink hair that she wears in a side ponytail. She wears bandages over her eyes to hide a wound.

She is extremely lazy and can often be found sleeping; however, when she actually bothers to put effort into something, it is done exceptionally well.


Both Cyn and Eden have full control over their domains, though since they reside outside of their homeworld, it takes massive amounts of energy to do anything spectacular.


Cyn and Eden are the last gods alive in their homeworld, as the rest died due to a lack of belief in them. They took interest in Madeline as soon as she was born, and effectively acted as her only friends.

At some point, Madeline was approached by a witch with the offer to leave her homeworld; she said yes, and the two gods decided to go with her.

Currently, they live on the Northern Fantasy with Madeline. They have an odd relationship that varies between lovers and rivals depending on the situation.