Madeline █████████ is a 15-year-old demi-god living on the Northern Fantasy. She has short wine-red hair and a small pair of angelic wings on her back.

She is immature and doesn't know much about the world, but at the same time she thinks she has a good grasp on how things work. She is a very lonely individual and likes to surround herself with friends.


Madeline is able to use stellar magic. She was born specifically for the purpose of being used as an intermediary communication device between humanity and the divine, and so all attempts to mind-control her or possess her will work unless you are spectacularly bad at it.


Madeline was born and raised as a prophet, never having a proper relationship with anyone due to being under constant surveilance and living like a celebrity; during this time, she grew close to the two remaining gods in her world, viewing them as the loving parental figures she never had.

At some point, she was approached by a witch who helped her escape into the vast multiverse.

Currently, she lives on the Northern Fantasy with the two gods from her world. At some point in the future, she will ascend to proper godhood, ruling over communication.