Tabbert is a legendary hero, and Kiev is his companion; together, they aim to take over the multiverse. Tabbert is a 17-year-old boy with calico-colored hair, while Kiev is a cartoon animal with a neapolitan palette.

Tabbert is simple: he likes potatoes and he likes being a hero, and there isn't much to say about him otherwise. Kiev is a spiteful little thing that wants nothing more than power over all realities.


Tabbert is able to use any and all legendary artifacts that are otherwise meant only for a specific person/group, though he is not trained very well in combat. Kiev uses cartoon logic but otherwise has no abilities.


Kiev used to be the mascot of a children's cartoon, but over time he got fed up with the way people treated him - nobody ever took him seriously. He eventually left his homeworld in search of greener pastures.

Tabbert met Kiev only a few minutes after he first spawned into existence, and quickly became the cartoon's right-paw man.