Consolethings are a mechanical species similar to tsukumogami; they are game consoles that achieve sentience and gain a soul, then use magic to manifest said soul as a being that can interact with the world around them. For an example of a consolething, check out my OC Coral.

At birth/creation, consolethings' appearances and personalities can be decided by the following:

If a consolething is based off a completely blank console (factory reset, generic model, no mods), then their personality and appearance will be influenced by those around them, like a baby/child.

Consolethings are immortal as long as the console itself continues to exist; they can only die if their home console is reduced to an unrecognizable state. A consolething can still survive if their home console no longer functions.

Consolethings based off consoles with internet connectivity have a limited form of telepathy with consolethings of the same type; over time, if those consoles' servers cease operation, this telepathy can be lost. However, it can be regained through modding.