Subject 283, also known as Wing, is a Limotubian-Bavoomian hybrid working as the... ah... well, she lives onboard the Metamorphic, but it's not clear if she has any specific job other than being cute and bribing others. Wing is a Limotubian with a purple fur, green eyes, and seafoam green 'booties'.

Wing acts cute and nice, but is good at analyzing people and figuring out how to push their buttons. If things don't go the right way for him, he's likely to intentionally piss off his allies so that they'll fight for him.


Wing is lighter than the average Limotubian, but is also more fragile.


Wing was, from the start of her existence, an experiment. She was injected with Bavoomian DNA before she was born, and was raised by Suburbionites to be a secret weapon; however, with the revelation that using her as a projectile would mean she would likely not live very long, she was instead adopted as a pet.

After a few years of living on a Suburbionite dome, she got tired of it, but was not allowed to move away due to the threat of enemy forces discovering her existence and capturing her as a prisoner of war; eventually, a ship called the Metamorphic docked at the dome he lived on, and he managed to talk the Pilot into letting him come onboard.