Porype is a Globinite who works as the doctor on the Metamorphic. They are bright red and wear a blurple beret.

He is a loyal individual who is still coming to terms with the fact that he is an individual and not just another brick in the wall. Porype is very anxious; if pushed to their limits, though, they tend to become violent.


Porype has no special abilities.


Porype's entire existence was living in Globin and protecting it until a ship called the Metamorphic docked; thinking it was a danger to his home, he snuck in when the crew of the ship was asleep, and destroyed a large portion of its machinery.

After learning that the ship was, in fact, there to protect Globin, Porype apologized, helped repair the ship as much as she could, and offered her life as sacrifice. The Pilot, not wanting anyone to die (especially not at his hands), insisted she come aboard instead.