Tartine III, also known as Tart, is a Floriasian king who travels aboard the Metamorphic in hopes of seeing the world and protecting his subjects. He has peach petals, a purple eye, and wears a golden crown.

Tartine is the most naïve and sheltered out of the crew, but can be surprisingly cruel if pushed to his limits.


Tartine has no special abilities.


Tartine III was born and raised in the Floriasian kingdom of Cherlott, which he currently rules... at least, in theory, as he is not old enough, and for now Cherlott is ruled by a council of regents.

After learning of Meteo, he became determined to protect his kingdom, but found himself in the pits of despair. A ship called the Metamorphic landed in his kingdom, and he snuck out of his castle one day and offered a large sum of money to the Pilot; in return, the crew would allow him to board. The Pilot refused most of the money, but allowed Tartine to join.
