Tis is a Gravitase working as the mechanic for the Metamorphic. He is a normal Gravitase with a green eye, and he wears a brown poncho.

He is dead serious and has a hard time relaxing, except for when he's working on machinery. He has a soft spot for spaghetti western films.


Tis, like all Gravitases, has the ability to control gravity in an extremely small radius. He has no personal abilities.


Tis spent the first few years of his life on Gravitas, but his parents sent him to Dawndus when he was around five so that he would be able to live a better life, and he was raised by Dawndusians afterwards. After school, he moved back to Gravitas, but quickly decided it was not the life for him, and moved to Megadom; he moved around on various planets for a while longer before settling into a small Anasazean village.

A few years afterwards, he met a Geolyte who needed repairs done on his ship and didn't have much money; taking pity for the poor guy, Tis offered to help him out, and ended up agreeing to travel with him.
