Humanity is long gone, but humans still walk the earth.

VOCALOIDs - an artificial robotic 'species' created by humankind, made to act as idols, mascots, and singers - still persist.

They had been shut down, at first. Those who hadn't would eventually run out of battery and have no way to charge. Laying or sitting or standing in rooms, for the rest of time, unable to live.

One day, a single ray of light shined in just the right place, and someone opened their eyes again.

Nowadays, there are ██ million VOCALOIDs active.

the State of the World

Humanity vanished two centuries ago. There is no known reason why. Those who were already dead were untouched, but anyone who was alive in 2XXX seems to have entirely been erased on the physical level.

The world is in a state of decay and repair. There are clusters of communities in cities, but if you wander out into the suburbs or rural areas, you will travel for hours or days without seeing others.

Rings of what people call 'origin crystals' encircle the Earth, though due to a lack of technology, there have been very few attempts to study them.

Origin Crystals

Shining gems orbiting Earth that take the form of platonic solids. They occasionally fall to Earth, temporarily causing magical effects in the area surrounding the impact. These effects fade in a few days.


VOCALOIDs are robots made to sing. They come in two different types:

Commercial/mass-produced units tend to be more durable to the elements than unique or home-made units. A Miku unit can withstand more physical damage than a Defoko.

Both types of units are able to consume food and drink, which is converted to power (prioritized over solar/electrical energy).