Ticket to Infinity is an iterator. They are a light purple; their head is divided in thirds, and one-third of it (along with their entire right arm and leg, and the right half of their torso) is a dull purple-grey. Their shirt/poncho/whatever-it-is is a dull green with slightly brighter sleeves; both sleeves are long enough to hide their arms, but the right one is torn somewhat.

TTI has a holier-than-thou attitude that makes them a bit of a pain to communicate with; everything TTI does in relation to non-iterators is done off the assumption that the world needs guidance from them to stay stable. When they actually communicate with other iterators, they tend to be a lot nicer and respectful towards their peers.


TTI's can is located in a region called the Flowering Sea, a region similar to Shoreline or a flooded version of Chimney Canopy. The Flowering Sea is an aquatic region that once was industrial, but has been overtaken by nature due to the meddling of TTI.

TTI's can has the same basic internal layout as Five Pebbles. Creatures of all sorts can be found in it, as TTI does not try to chase out wildlife unless it is actively harmful to them.


TTI's can is still stable during the span of time where Hunter, Survivor, and Monk's campaigns take place. They spend their time watching the wildlife, doing things such as trying to introduce religion to lizards or train scavengers to do mechanical repairs.

Rain World Spoilers TTI gave up on the Problem a long time ago, having come to the conclusion that it would be useless to find a solution, since in TTI's eyes there is nobody who deserves to know the solution except the iterators. They refuse to guide the native wildlife towards escaping the cycle.

Downpour Spoilers TTI's can collapses between Rivulet and Saint's campaigns. The surrounding area becomes known as Winter's Bouquet. TTI themself stays active, even in the cold.