Mu, also known as the Witch of Harmony, is an entity that travels the multiverse in search of interesting stories. She appears to be a 15 year old human girl with green hair tied into twintails, wearing a salmon-colored dress.

She is highly manipulative, and adjusts her personality on the fly, claiming that any mistakes she makes or surprises in her plans are completely intended and were always going to happen. Her 'default' personality is blunt yet friendly.


Mu's main ability is the power to harmonize or de-harmonize things, bringing them together or splitting them. She can also float in the air, teleport, turn into sparks of magic, and use magic both offensively and defensively.

However, she is heavily limited by the fact that she can only do things where the end result would be recreatable by a human.


Mu was created by Teo after the death of Megu, who Mu's body and personality was based on. She acted as an imaginary friend to Teo for a while, but after learning of the circumstances behind Megu's death, she chose to leave her homeworld and abandon Teo.

Afterwards, she began travelling the multiverse, messing with people in various worlds in an attempt to chase off boredom.
