The Metamorphic is a small prototype spaceship built by the Geolytes to combat Meteo; it was not intended to be sent out and used, but for reasons unknown to the public, it was hastily built, a pilot was assigned to it, and it was ejected into the vast universe.

The ship is built from a mixture of Metamorite, aluminum, titanium alloys, and various other metals; it is powered by two engines that use Meteos as fuel. It has a one-of-a-kind defense system that allows the ship to attract Meteos away from planets and, using complicated systems, match them together to send them rocketing away.

The crew of the Metamorphic consists of a Geolyte pilot, a Gravitase mechanic, a Globinite medic, a Wiralon electrician, a Floriasian who does not seem to have any specific job, and a Limotubian who (according to paperwork) acts as a ship's cat.

After the destruction of Meteo, the Metamorphic went missing; it was eventually recovered a century later, in perfect condition.